The heartwarming musical of Jenna, a small-town waitress with a talent for baking pies. Trapped in a loveless marriage, Jenna finds solace and strength in her pies and dreams of a better life. When she unexpectedly becomes pregnant, Jenna embarks on a journey of self-discovery, supported by her quirky coworkers and a new doctor in town. With a stirring score by Sara Bareilles, Waitress serves up a story of resilience, friendship, and the pursuit of happiness.
Show Pricing:
32nd Season Pricing
- $85 Dinner & Show (Evenings)
- $75 Lunch & Show (Matinees)
- $65 Show Only
Tickets for Chicago, Christmas Carol, Buddy Holly, and Crazy For You are an additional $10 each
Note: A non-refundable $3.00 per ticket fee applies to all orders.
Show Times:
- Matinee 11:30 Lunch, 1:00 Show
- Evening 5:30 Dinner, 7:30 Show
- Twilight 5:30 Dinner, 7:00 Show
Box Office: